Welcome Reverend John Cheek

We are blessed that Reverend John Cheek has come aboard as Renewal Center’s Board Chaplain as he brings a wealth of compassion, experience and knowledge in regard to the work that we do here at Renewal. In his first career, Reverend Cheek was a police officer, working for the Douglas Police Department, the Pima County Attorney’s […]
Congratulating Jamie Overstreet

Please join us in congratulating Jamie Overstreet who is moving to full-time status as of Monday, 9/18/23. Jamie will see clients on Monday and Wednesday’s 10am-3pm and on Tuesday and Thursday’s 10am-7pm. Jamie is a Licensed Associate Counselor who is passionate in the belief that within every person there exists an inner wisdom that can […]
Welcome Jennifer O’Neill

Please join us in welcoming Jennifer O’Neill, L.A.C. who began working with us in 2023 at the Northwest Office and via Telehealth on Monday -Tuesday. Jennifer has degrees in Business Administration and Community Counseling. She has worked for over 13 years as a Trauma Psychotherapist in a private group practice and correctional facilities; with active […]
Welcome Jessica Rojas

Please join us in welcoming Jessica Rojas, L.A.C. Jessica Rojas, L.A.C. will begin working with us starting January 16th, 2023, and will be working at the Northwest office. Jessica Rojas is a Tucson native and has experience working with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Jessica specializes in trauma and utilizes other treatment approaches including […]